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Hiking with Jesus

I arrived in Georgia and began this next step of my journey with Jesus, CGA, and Adventures in Missions by going on a 4 day hiking/camping trip.  I had very mixed emotions going into this trip.  I have no problem going on a 10 mile hike, and I have no problem camping for a week in the woods.  My hesitation came from carrying all of the needed camping equipment WHILE ON  the 10 mile hike.  Not as much fun.  But I went in knowing that I couldn’t do it in my own strength and that God would have to walk me through it because there was no way on earth I could physically do it without Him.  

So Monday we were dropped off just across the South Carolina state line and began our 10 mile hike back down into Georgia.  As we began our hike we were instructed to hike in silence and allow time for God to speak to us during this time.  We were giving thought provoking questions as we went along for us to ask God and allow him to answer.  

So as I began this hike and began conversing with Papa, He began to coach me through the trail.  I was honest with Him and myself that there was no way I was making it through this trail without Him.  Papa then told me to keep my head down.  “Don’t look up.  Trust Me.” As the hike progressed, He continued to speak to me and share with me of how this hike I was physically on was so much like the spiritual walk I take with Him everyday through life.  

I may not be able to see what is around the next switchback or over the next mountain, but He knows exactly what is there.  

There may be other people on the same section of trail with me, but each one of us is on our own personal journey with God.  We can all take the trail at a different speed and still get to where God is leading us.  (Thankfully my team was gracious and allowed me a very slow pace!)  

There are times when we approach obstacles where the path becomes unclear.  Don’t worry or stress.  Allow Him to lead you over, under, around, or a combination of all of them in order to arrive back on the path.

Many times there are distractions that come up that pull our focus away from the path and the journey that God has us on.  These distractions can cause us to stumble or fall or even lose sight of the path.  

But God is always there and always gracious and calling us back to the path with Him.  So never let a stumble or distraction pull you too far away from the path.  And even if you feel as if you can’t see the path, just turn back to Papa and He will lead you home. 

I am still in need of financial support to complete this apprenticeship.  During our orientation we were asked why we were doing CGA.  Why this? Why now?  And here was my answer: 

God has placed in me a desire to see the nations come to Him, to empower others to step into the calling and giftings God has placed on their lives, and for discipleship.  While I may not be going myself right now, I am helping other go and reach the nations with the Kingdom of God!  

So will you join me in this adventure and helping me to send and support others around the globe?  If so, click on the “Support Me” tab on the left!  I cannot do this on my own!